About Me

I am a 23-year-old living and working at an experiential marketing agency in New York City. I work hard and travel constantly but always make time to enjoy this beautiful City and of course, all of the food and restaurants. I originally started this blog in a social media class as an innocent senior at the University of Connecticut who had never tried oatmeal… or cheese… or a LOT of other things. But now, 2 years out of college I am a completely different person (who likes cheese and oatmeal and brussel sprouts). Although I have grown, I am still only 23 and have a long way to go. See how it all started below…

Some kids go through fazes where they are picky. They won’t eat their veggies or anything that is yellow and so on. I, on the other hand, never grew out of that phase. My mom always made separate meals for me (which she was always criticized for). I refused to eat at seafood restaurants because I thought that everything, even if it wasn’t seafood, tasted like it anyway. My mom once tried to feed me mashed potatoes by telling me they were icing and I had a total panic attack.

Therefore, when I came to college in the fall of 2007, I did not have much variety in my food choices. I went through 3 years of chicken fingers, jelly sandwiches and hot dogs. Healthy, right? It was only about a year ago that I started to broaden my horizons. I tried a hamburger, oatmeal, pineapple and much more (yeah, I was in college the first time I ever tried a hamburger). My friends and family loved when I would try new foods, so I decided it would be a good topic for this blog. There are some things I will never like (hello, bananas and mushrooms). But, at least now when someone asks, I can say with a smile on my face that I have tried them.


Laura Osborne (best friend): Watching Rachel try new foods is always the highlight of my week. I’ve never met someone who expresses their facial features over how they feel about a food more than her. Before she even speaks, you can tell by watching what she thinks of the new food. It’s always entertaining!

Melissa Arroyo (advisor): I’ve been trying to get, (more like forcing) Rachel to try new foods for YEARS! It’s been so fun to see her journey, and watch her menu grow!

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